A group of Strandfontein residents have lodged a complaint with the Western Cape police oversight and community safety (POCS) department, outlining concerns over ...
Cape Town ballet teacher Cecil Jacobs, 84, is still going strong, nurturing the next generation of ballet stars. Through his non-profit organisation, Cecil Jacobs ...
The deadline to switch from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) gold cards to new Postbank black cards has been extended but not before the process ...
The deadline to switch from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) gold cards to new Postbank black cards has been extended but not before the process ...
Convicted murderer Kirk Daniels was sentenced to 68 years in prison for two separate cases in the Mitchell’s Plain Regional Court on Friday February 7 and Thursday ...
Several Mitchell’s Plain educare centres, primary schools, libraries and child literacy organisations turned the spotlight on the importance of reading last week. ...
A featured author at the Cape Flats Book Festival was Vennessa Scholtz from Parow, who has published books such as Kita’s Dance with the Dust and Ellie and the Good ...
Glendale High pupils had a fun morning on Tuesday February 4, learning about World Read Aloud Day, which is marked globally on Wednesday February 5. Seen here with ...
Strandfontein resident Zulpha Mohamed, a single mother of seven children shared the challenges she experienced at the Mitchell’s Plain Maintenance Court at the public ...
South African singer Karin Kortje presented her debut book Die Hele Story – ‘n Memoir deur Karin Kortje ...
Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) Relay for Life Mitchell’s Plain is gearing up for its annual relay event, which takes place at Stephen Reagan Sport Field ...
Representatives from early childhood development (ECD) centres, neighbourhood watches and schools in Ward 116 recently completed their accredited first-aid level ...
Book lovers will have a chance to meet local and international authors at this weekend’s Cape Flats Book Festival, at West End Primary, in Lentegeur, Mitchell’s ...
West End Primary in Merrydale Road, Lentegeur, is the place to be for this coming weekend’s fourth annual Cape Flats Book Festival. Principal Clive Arries said the ...
Joint efforts by the Lentegeur crime prevention and provincial anti-gang units, responding to the recent flare up of gang violence in the Lentegeur police precinct, ...
Fifty-one people have graduated from a three-month vocational training programme funded by Sub-council 12. The trainees came from various wards under the sub-council ...
Soil for Life, a non-profit organisation that promotes healthy soil and living and growing nutritional food, is calling on Mitchell’s Plain residents, especially ...
The Western Cape police anti-gang unit confiscated 80 000 mandrax tablets with an estimated street value of R4 million while conducting stop and search operations ...
There were some tears but mostly big smiles when Mitchell’s Plain schools opened on Wednesday January 15, especially for the little ones who started their first ...
Strand homecooks Najma Abrahams and Azba Fanie, will be showcasing their cookbook Tietie & Nana se Huiskos at the Cape Flats Book Festival on Sunday February 2. ...
Family and friends of the late Denver Pitts, 38, who died after he was allegedly stabbed by his girlfriend on Sunday December 22, 2024, have drawn up a petition ...
Ithrah Jaftha, 10, was part of the crowd on Thursday January 16 during a prayer walk to end gang violence. “Stop killing our children” was the plea of residents, ...
Elton Jansen, Sub-council 12 chairpersonToday (Monday January 13), the Democratic Alliance constituency head for Mitchell’s Plain, Ricardo Mackenzie and ward councillor ...
An 18-year-old boy on crutches visiting his friends died in a hail of bullets on the pavement in Korfbal Street, Beacon Valley, on Wednesday January 8. A six-year-old ...