As food poisoning cases rise, vendors protest against government measures that threaten their livelihoods, highlighting the community's frustrations and the need ...
Protests against the newly enacted Bela Bill highlight fears of diminished mother-tongue education and reduced authority for school governing bodies, as various ...
Explore how foreign traders have established dominance in South Africa's R900bn spaza market, leveraging social networks and innovative business practices to outperform ...
Recent reports reveal a disturbing rise in child poisoning cases linked to township tuck shops in South Africa, prompting urgent calls for regulation and scrutiny ...
South Africa continues to rank among countries that are vulnerable to hazardous weather events including, among others, droughts, tropical cyclones, storms, and ...
Delays in government funding are pushing vital organisations supporting vulnerable women in South Africa to the brink of closure, highlighting the dire need for ...
Many women use abortion as birth control in high rotation. The numbers cannot be collated because of the easy availability of illegally performed procedures.
From early that morning the mood was jovial as women, men and a scattering of young people, all dressed in bright colours, a lot of traditional wear, gathered at ...
Not even people living in shacks are subjected to that, not even if they have illegally occupied land they do not own
The UN said 98% of people with albinism in Africa did not live beyond 40 because of sun exposure, with skin cancers responsible for at least 80% of deaths
According to a recent survey 20% of girls in the study admitted to having had an adolescent pregnancy, and 6% of men admitted to having impregnated a girl during ...
Interventions the report prescribed are interventions for at risk communities, among them children and adults, who are affected by poverty, undernutrition, adolescent ...
As the numbers were said to exceed 1 500 last year, of girls as young as 13 reportedly being expectant while at school, concerned parents and organisations spoke ...
Currently, organ donors are in very short supply because of limited knowledge amongst the citizens
This, as South Africa suffers from a high burden of multi-drug resistant and rifampicin-resistant TB, with 11 000 individuals estimated to develop such resistance ...
There is need for emphasis on the importance of preventive measures in reducing the incidence of lung cancer
This is significant because of the university’s strong support for indigenous African languages and for being one of the institution that produced students that ...
Despite some progress in specific areas such as stunting and exclusive breastfeeding, an alarming number of people continue to face food insecurity and malnutrition ...
It is a system in which everyone would participate whether they liked to or not
Children are given anything from formula to soft porridge or whatever is available to keep newborns satisfied until they are handed back to their mothers
The 4-step offering combines an environmentally sustainable product, gender-inclusive skincare kits designed to holistically address targeted skincare concerns
The week, which also marked the start of the third term of the school calendar, kicked off with rain and strong winds in areas and extreme cold across the country. ...
Abuse was both in established homes entrusted to care for them in their golden years and at home and communities, where they were among people who loved them
This as the week, which also marked the start of the third term of the school calendar, kicked off with rain and strong winds in areas and extreme cold across the ...
The trade union maintains that such a system can only function in a country where everyone contributes in equal measure, and even then it does not mean it will function ...