Fitness, Workout, Gym Cardio exercises, Image: Pexels
We all need to do cardio workouts along with weight training. Cardio is good for the heart, can help you sleep better, strengthen the immune system, and helps with weight loss, and it is also one of the exercises that can increase the length and quality of your life.
The truth is that you don't have to do cardio for hours to see good results and that increasing the intensity can provide even more benefits, but what happens if you add some weight to those cardio exercises?
Adding items like weighted vests, small dumbbells while walking, or weights that are strapped around the ankles and wrists during exercise can give an extra benefit to cardio and add an element of resistance that allows the workout to be more challenging.
Of course, not all of your workouts have to be high intensity, but it's not ideal to always do the same thing or keep the intensity low all the time, as your body gets used to that exercise and you may stop seeing results, so adding a weighted element can give you a bit of variety and allow you to challenge yourself.
The benefits of doing cardio weight training
“Running with weights can make you a stronger runner, which means it will improve your speed, endurance, and strengthen your joints, making you less prone to impact injuries,” says Healthline , though it says it’s not the most likely thing to help you build muscle mass — that’s something you can’t replace weight training with .
Healthline explains that studies have found that running or walking with weights can improve speed and agility, but it is not what will give you the strength to lift more weights; instead, you will become a better runner.
When you can't increase the time or speed ( slow running works too ), you can increase the intensity by adding some weight.
The exercise becomes more challenging, especially when you're not used to training that way, and you can make a walk or slow run get your heart rate up a little more.
When you add a weight element to your workout, whether it's a vest or dumbbells, the exercise becomes more challenging, allowing you to develop more endurance and some mental strength.
“A recent study found that training with weighted vests improved runners’ blood lactate thresholds. This means they were able to tolerate faster speeds for longer periods of time before becoming fatigued,” Healthline says .
The more challenging and high-intensity exercises are the ones that allow for the greatest calorie burn, because the body requires more energy to perform them. The weight element makes cardio more difficult and that's what increases the amount of calories you burn in the process, according to Healthline .
But you want to make sure the weight isn't excessive and that it stays within a range that will allow you to complete your entire workout without having to stop because you're exhausted (or hurt yourself).
Adding one to five pounds can be enough to transform your workout (you can run or walk, or even jump rope with a weighted rope) and increase the benefits.
[ Via GQ Mexico]
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