Roger (Neil Leachman) Geoff (Simon Speck) Ferris (Dirk Jonker) Sally (Chané Wilhelm) and Helen (Tania Lemme) in Bedside Manners. Picture: Jane Amory
Milnerton Players will present Bedside Manners by Derek Benfield, directed by Johann van der Merwe, at Milnerton Playhouse, in Pienaar Road, from Friday November 19 to Saturday December 4.
The farce sees two married couples plan a naughty weekend away, not with their respective spouses, but with their clandestine lovers at a remote, badly managed country inn. The owner has gone off on holiday and left the running of the hotel in the hands of her brother Ferris (Dirk Jonker). Chaos reigns from the very moment the guests arrive.
Trying to make sense of who belongs to whom and to prevent inevitable meetings of husbands, wives and lovers in compromising situations, it is Ferris who must navigate the two hapless couples through their respective doomed alliances. Racing with dizzying speed from room to room to reception he juggles the situations with hilarious results.
Seating is limited due to Covid restrictions and all protocols will be observed. The play is suitable for ages 16 and up.
The show is at 8pm on Fridays and Saturdays November 19 and 20, 26 and 27 and December 3 and 4.
Matinees are at 2.30pm on Saturdays November 20 and 27 and December 4.
Evening tickets cost R110 or R100 for seniors and R90 for members and students.
Matinee tickets cost R100 or R90 for seniors and R80 for members and students.
Visit to book.