Hyacinths are beautiful bulbs and they smell beautiful too.
Durban — Happy second month of autumn, gardeners. Although it’s getting colder, the landscape is warmed by the rich colour pallet around us. With many plants going into hibernation, cool-season flowers are only just waking up and getting ready to treat us to their colourful charm. It’s time to sort out some pre-winter maintenance and prep the veggie patch for soups and stews.
April is the perfect time to plant striking indigenous bulbs like watsonia, freesia, ixia, chincherinchee and Sparaxis.
For non-indigenous bulbs, try daffodils, irises, tulips and hyacinths.
For colour and charm, go for primula, poppy, pansy and gazania seedlings, as well as perennials such as lupins, Shasta daisies and aquilegias.
Planting new roses now will allow them to “settle in” during winter and gain a head start in spring. Continue to spray your roses against fungal diseases such as mildew and black spot.
Grow garlic bulbs, which you can purchase from your GCA Garden Centre. Pick a sunny spot with well-drained soil and plant the cloves about 15cm apart in drills of about 7cm deep.
Flowers that can still be sown are osteospermum, mesembryanthemums, winter scatter packs and the indigenous scatter pack mix. Individual varieties include Virginian stocks, calendula and Felicia.
Veggies to be sown now include peas, parsnips, carrots, onion Texas Grano (short day variety), beetroot Bulls Blood and broccoli.
For a winter production of healthy herbs, start sowing seeds in windowsill containers. High light is all that’s needed for a good crop with a reasonable indoor temperature.
Pot of purple: Lavender is waiting to perk up your patio pots with an easy-going purple flush.
Indoor inspiration: Spathiphyllum, known also as Peace lily, is an easy-care, low-light houseplant with majestic, long-lasting white blooms.
Top tip: If you live in an area that gets very cold overnight, guard against leaving containers on windowsills because cold glass may harm plants.
Aphids will be around this time of the year, although their numbers will be less than in spring. Give your flowers a close inspection and if there are a few around, control them with Plant Protector.
Snails and slugs devastate leaves on plants and ruin their appearance. As a solution, you can buy Snailban and Snailflo at your garden centre.
Scale is a sap-sucking insect that can cause severe damage to many types of plants in the garden. They can be eradicated by spraying with Malasol or Oleum in the cooler months.
Autumn is the peak season for leaf miners, causing twisting and curling on new leaves. Control it with regular applications of Eco Insect Control SC.
Top tip: Watch out for ant movement – the main culprits for transferring disease across the garden. Sprinkle Ant Dust around their holes and along their trails.
Feed your winter-flowering plants, such as hellebores, to encourage a dramatic winter show later in the season when little else is brave enough to flower.
When cyclamen buds start to appear on last year’s plants, start feeding them every second week.
Feed aloes and flowering succulents for a glorious winter show.
Help your lawn along by feeding with 2.3.2.
Give sweet peas a boost with liquid fertiliser and train them on to a net or lattice.
Feed citrus trees with a general fertiliser and a handful of Epsom salts per tree.
In frost-prone areas, remember to grab some protection from your garden centre and be ready to cover up before you’re caught off guard.
Mulch to the max with living groundcovers and plant materials.
Containers are ready for a new layer of potting soil. Remove about a third from the top and replace it with the new soil.
Any container plants that need repotting can also be done now. Help them adapt with a liquid fertiliser after transplanting.
If you’re unsure about which fertilisers or sprays to use, ask your knowledgeable garden centre advisers for help. Any other plants that need transplanting can also be done now, giving them a chance to adjust so that come springtime, they are blooming with life. Enjoy your time chilling out and ticking off your April checklist. Ride the wave of cool-season thrills and all that’s up for grabs in the garden. Whether you’re maintaining, sowing, planting or pruning, there’s always something to do in the backyard.
Life is a Garden – welcome the refreshing autumn breeze into yours.
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