This year the cosmos encourages you to reach out in as many directions as possible. Jot down all your ideas and intuitive flashes so they're not forgotten by the time you need them.
Widen your circle of contacts, if you can. Family numbers may grow, perhaps through marriage or a partner, a new flatmate, birth or even a new pet.
Parents could also offer help, be it financial or otherwise. It's also an excellent time to make investments of lasting value, such as real estate. Travel may be related to work or family matters. Just beware of extravagance.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
You can expect too much from relationships and when romantic requirements are seemingly short-changed, disappointment may follow. Ask yourself: have I been too demanding, or withdrawn? Sometimes we erect walls to protect ourselves, but in the process shut others out. This is the week to demolish some of those barriers.
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Someone isn’t being entirely straight with you at the moment. What’s questionable is whether they’re being deliberately misleading, or they’re sending mixed messages. Hold off signing anything until you have all the facts. Stay cautious, Taurus. Keep this week as risk-free as possible, especially regarding finances.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
The cosmos advises against compromise this week, for good reason. Being pushed into not-so-satisfactory situations or having to take the blame because of someone else’s mistakes is not acceptable. The cosmos helps those who help themselves, so stand your ground and make your thoughts heard.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
The planets have sudden shifts of mood and energy this week, and so do you. Don’t assume you’re the sole trustee of all the right answers and don’t dismiss alternative views before they’re even heard. If there’s anything important you want to discuss or organise, leave it until week’s end. You’re less likely to stir up a hornet’s nest.
Leo (July 23 – August 23)
Your eyes are set on a special prize this week. While you can occasionally be a tad scattered, now’s the time to strategise long-term goals and prioritise your routines. Leos are usually okay with not being a triple-threat sensation overnight. A surprise offer could also tie in with the luck you’re already enjoying.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
Some Virgos have a tryst with destiny this week: to become a leader. Whether you’re fighting against bullying, abuse of animals or the environment – for you now, might makes right. Sure, the Virgo nature is usually more playful, but your inner rescuer breaks through. Much satisfaction comes with the experience of battling for a cause.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Stay alert Libra, as this week could be laced with deception. Someone you don’t know very well may try to establish a closer friendship to extract a favour. This is fine, as long as you know what the game is and play by your own rules. It’s also important to set intentions for the next few months. Create a vision board.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
While your Scorpio composure usually keeps you out of trouble, less sensible minds seem determined to stay on a collision course. So, again, you may have to clean up after others. Recently, too, you’ve been more insular. Later this week, emotional barriers start to tumble and you again start to share your love.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
It’s okay, Sagittarius. We know all about those deeper passions that hide beneath your sometimes secretive veneer. Last week offered the chance to free up some of that hidden intensity, but many of you kept a handle on things. This week pushes even harder for inner desires to be set free. Such daring has been a long time coming.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
This week, keep an ear to the ground and your lips sealed. There’s some gossip happening, and it could be about you – so don’t be in a hurry to disclose your thoughts or secrets. Let others reveal their intentions first. Keep yourself at a safe distance from troublemakers and don’t expect others to live up to their promises.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
The cosmos finds you in a meddling mood. Be careful, or you could talk your way into a headache’s worth of commitments. Some situations don’t need your input, so get out of the way and trust that others will get on just fine without you. The good news? Money matters no longer seem to be a thorn in your side.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
If trouble flares, act with diplomacy. The trick lies in distancing yourself from this week’s emotional inferno, rather than getting caught up in it. As soon as Pisceans buy into any over-hyped drama, you lose your natural objectivity. Without it, you could make some ill-considered decisions, and this isn’t the time for that. Don’t overreact.