Your year ahead
Not all years are created equal, and if you don’t have the support of the great cosmic providers - there is only so much you can accomplish. That has been your reality for some time. However, everything changes from mid May.
Slowly, but surely - generous Jupiter will prepare a very welcome new financial package. As Taureans surge forward, your tenacity will win you many favours. July through to August prompts yet another change of direction. Just don’t become too smug.
Even though you may be riding waves of optimism, the currents could be unpredictable, so pay attention to details.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
There’s every chance of this week suffering a truth famine - so a wise Aries might want to check whether they’re being fed fact or fiction. Of course, there’s always the chance you didn’t hear the full story in the first place. Check your sources; and then check them again. Someone’s out to deceive you.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
While your strong constitution doesn’t easily surrender to illness, rich food, good wine and a limited amount of exercise can increase the risk of potential ailments. Your determined character does let you rehabilitate as required, but why not make moderation your goal this week? At work, map out a course of action and then attack each goal at a time.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Get ready for special treats to come your way. Enjoy every moment of feeling pampered and spoiled. At work, too, your patience should finally be rewarded as an important breakthrough is achieved. A timely bonus could also make it easier to pay debts. Bills first, luxuries later. Sometimes, everything just seems to fall into place.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
A joint venture with a financially savvy partner could prove rewarding, although a clear understanding of each other’s role is a must. Avoid “get rich quick” schemes and fast talkers. The road to riches isn’t built overnight, Cancer. Take your time, work steadily, and you’ll soon be sauntering down that richly paved yellow brick road.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
As you undoubtedly know, absolute power corrupts. That is, of course, until you decide it’s your week to even the odds. Harsh words may be spoken, and decisive action could be taken. But it’s high time you responded to someone else’s bullying. If this someone threatens to out a secret, call their bluff. You’ve nothing to fear.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
You’re entitled to be proud of your resilience, Virgo - as you’ve come through a difficult time. Now comes the irresistible urge for something new. This week’s changes release reserves of inner power - a perfect time for the real you to shine through. If a constricting job or relationship is holding you back, this could be the time to break free.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
It’s possible to be loyal to long-held allegiances, and yet still maintain your independence. Many find this hard to comprehend, but Librans are a law unto themselves. So if this week offers something more than the norm, you’ll be the first to give it a go. You were born to explore, to examine, to question.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
Just when you need help, along comes a planetary ally or two. Not a moment too soon. Once you realise that not everyone’s out to get you, it’s onwards and upwards. There are, however, some conditions. Bury the past and start concentrating on life as you’d like it. Except perhaps, financially. For now, throw hard-earned cash into a locked vault.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
This is a week for tying up pesky loose ends, and breaking bad habits. For example, you often say “yes” - when you really mean “no”. There’s no getting around it: changes need to be made, with some difficult situations coming to a close altogether. You’re not being punished. It’s just that for every ending there’s usually a new beginning.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
Many Capricorns now take an unscheduled trip down memory lane, perhaps confronting issues that you feel need addressing. Think before you act. Truth be known, it’s a week to throw life into cruise control. If you still feel like forcing the odd issue, make sure it’s done in a pleasant way. Treat yourself and loved ones to something special.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
If others try to bulldoze your emotions this week, there’s no telling where this will lead. Some Aquarians play down tensions, while others deliberately look for conflict. Couples bored with routine look to reignite the spark, or play elsewhere. But if you want your relationship to survive, no power games please - keep communications open.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Gather your talents, Pisces. Whether it’s a new job or starting a business, this week you’re capable of handling mostly anything. Just remember to enjoy the moment. Current planetary transits carry considerable energy, so there’s also time for play. Make the most of invitations, but for couples - a partner must offer you independence.
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