Astrology / horoscope signs - taurus
Your year ahead
Fate can give with one hand and then take just that much more with the other. But here’s a year when Lady Luck lays down some new ground rules. There’s still hard work ahead but for good rewards. If wondering where to focus your attentions, love seems the obvious answer. Socially, you’re vivacious. You’re also finally blessed with finances and fun. Don’t question where the extra cash comes from. It’s how you spend it that counts. Retraining would also be of benefit. Expand your skills, and you could be courting prestige - or at the very least, a skyrocketing lifestyle.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Our lives are full of opportunities to start over, and every so often there’s a potent cosmic push that gives us a dynamic boost and creates new beginnings. So now that Mercury strides onwards, it’s the right time for forward planning. This week, investigate ways to make your life grow. The end result will be so very satisfying.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Now that Mercury sidles forward, you’re once again free to sign contracts, schedule vital meetings, have significant conversations and make important decisions or purchases. Remain confident as you push ahead with anything that requires communication or forward planning. Taurus, you’re back in control.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
A forward moving Mercury sees work goals move in the right direction. All lines of communication start to reopen, and you can look forward to busy discussions. One warning: prolonged pressure can place high demands on even the healthiest body, so don’t overdo punishing regimens. Another likely distraction: inconsiderate colleagues.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Life can be tough, especially for super-sensitive Cancerians. Still, we must all assume that better times lie ahead. Lucky for you, a happier Mercury does too. Your professional standing soon is in line for a boost. Indeed, being in the right place and making the right contacts are important ingredients to current success - so just go for it!
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
If you've spent the last three weeks feeling mentally scrambled, stressed or just ridiculously indecisive, relief is near. As Mercury once again strides forward, you’ll soon notice the difference. From here on in this quicksilver planet becomes more dynamic every day, as will you. Take action based on new insights learned over recent weeks.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
This week, happy synchronicities start to happen. If you can’t see signs of this, it may be that you’re still recovering from recent tensions. A fully motivated Mercury now drives new energy into helping you identify and fix long-standing problems. The eventual outcome: genuine joy and satisfaction, both at home and at work.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
Forgive and forget, Libra. What’s done is done, and no amount of hostility or regret can change things. If someone waves the white flag - or offers sympathy, accept with gratitude. Likewise for an unexpected invitation - one pleasant diversion can often lead to another. No surprises, then, if love comes by way of a mutual friend.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
With a beguiling Mercury conjuring up a little bit of magic, work may bring unexpected surprises. Perhaps you’re forced to step up the ladder of command, which could elevate you beyond your comfort zone. Or you could find yourself at odds with a boss or colleague. Not to worry - sometimes, a little extra pressure can be a good thing.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
This week Sagittarius, you’re a natural socially - professionally too. The old cliché about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar springs to mind. It’s also a great time to update your image. If any caution is needed, it will involve finances. Thanks to spend-happy cosmos, you suddenly want everything you see.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
If given a second chance at ventures that previously didn’t go so well, figure out who’s best at what, and drum up a solid sense of teamwork - even if it has to be networking via the internet. Should love or money come your way, accept with gratitude. In the same spirit, give openly. Best news: perhaps, a gentle stroll down memory lane.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
When reality doesn’t fit in with your expectations, you might feel tempted to blame others. One thing’s for sure, we all see things in different ways - and very few of us have the power to read each other’s minds. Spell your thoughts out more clearly next time; and if necessary - compromise. Forgive, too.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You may be tempted to shift the blame onto others and why not, when everyone else is doing the same? It’s a week where there’s little room to manoeuvre. No one in particular is at fault. It’s more a case of each for themselves. And you have every right to follow suit. The upside: business and pleasure entwine. Delightfully so.
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