Quitting smoking will help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Picture: Pexels.
You probably don’t want to hear this but your bad habits are standing in the way of you having the best skin.
At first, I didn’t believe it until I read the story of how Nicole Sherwin, the founder of Eco Diva Natural Superfood Skincare, healed her skin pigmentation holistically.
“When I adopted a holistic approach to my skincare routine, is when my pigmentation, (as well as my adult acne and rosacea) began to heal.
“This journey isn’t a quick fix by any means, but what it does offer is new insights into how to hear what your skin is telling you as well as how to be more in touch with your gut feelings and instincts,” said Sherwin.
“Busting or rebalancing as I prefer to refer to it is a matter of getting our skin pH back into balance. Once our pH (much like a swimming pool pH) is balanced, there is no space for any skin disruption.”
As a person who suffers from acne, I gave Sherwin’s approach a chance and, within three months, not only did my acne clear, but even the dark spots started fading.
Below are some of the bad habits you must quit for healthier-looking skin.
I honestly don’t understand the reason for smoking because how does it benefit you? At least with alcohol, you get drunk, but smoking? You’re inhaling nicotine only to end up with tired eyes and premature wrinkles. Quit if you want your skin to look youthful.
Alcohol is only “fun” when you drink it, but the consequences aren’t cute. The overuse of alcohol makes your face swell and, in the hood, we call that “phuza face”.
Phuza face is when you look older than your age and extremely tired because of the dehydration you get from drinking alcohol.
So keep it at a minimum and avoid drinking every weekend.
Staying up all night
Your body needs to rest. Staying up all night partying or binging on your favourite series is not good for your skin.
They don't call it "beauty sleep" for nothing because for your skin to look rejuvenated and healthy, you must get at least eight hours of sleep per night. Don’t deprive yourself of sleep.
Reduce the intake of sugar and fizzy drinks
We are not saying don’t eat any sugar because your body still needs glucose, but eating sweets every day and drinking a two-litre Coca-Cola or any other fizzy drink is bad for your skin.
Not only will it make you gain unnecessary weight, but they can intensify skin irritation and make your skin even drier.
Instead, substitute it with fruits like watermelon, peaches, mangoes and other sweet fruits. That way, you will satiate your craving while remaining healthy.
By beating these bad habits, you will notice your body craving for more water and less toxins, which will result in brighter, healthier and less pigmented skin.