Gadija “Gee” Abrahams with a copy of her book.
A Milnerton Ridge woman has written a book about her experiences dealing with her son’s drug addiction.
About 20 of Gadija “Gee” Abrahams’s friends and family attended the launch for Dancing Addiction at her home last month
She says the self-published book took her nearly 10 years to complete and describes how she discovered a different way of dealing with life, and finding her “happy self”.
The book brought her healing and helped her appreciate the little things in life, including the people she met, she says.
“Dancing Addiction is about a woman who broke the ties of societal constraints and discovered a new way of being.”
She says she learnt that while she was not an addict, she was enabling one.
She describes how she met with various inspirational groups, including a dancing group that allowed her to dance to her own beat.
“I was once a shy girl, but since being on the dance floor, and on my journey of self-love, I became an extrovert.”
Her son, Mikhail Abrahams, who is now a recovering drug addict, says he uses his story to encourage others who are addicts and their families.
He says his mother’s book is “just like his purpose” to help and inspire others.
To buy the book, call Ms Abrahams at 073 813 9405.