The silver-grey Datsun Go that the school children were travelling in.
Milnerton police are investigating a hijacking incident where children and their driver were forced out of Datsun Go along School Way in Phoenix on Monday.
Milnerton police spokesperson Captain Nopaya Madyibi said detectives are following the leads provided to them by the victim, the parents of the children, and the public.
She said no arrests have been made, and she encouraged the public to come forward with any information.
The driver of the hijacked silver-grey Datsun Go spoke to Tabletalk on condition of remaining anonymous, fearing for his safety.
He said he was approached by two men who walked up to his window, and told him to get out of the vehicle, while waving a gun around but not pointing it directly in his direction.
He then got out and stepped away from the car, and the hijackers made off with the four children in the vehicle.
He said he was then informed that the suspects dropped the children at the Milnerton Taxi Rank, where he rushed to, and informed their parents.
A Phoenix community leader who would not be named, fearing victimisation, said Phoenix and Joe Slovo are at war, and that gangsters are brazen.
She has asked all parents whose children were in the car to seek professional help as the children are traumatised.
“It is not even our own people doing this to us, it's people from other suburbs that are starting this gang and gun violence. They’re not just walking up to our cars and robbing us, but some of them walk into our homes, and take what they want,” she added.
She said most incidents are not reported to police because the community “lacked faith” in them.
“That police station is just there as a piece of beautiful art, but they do not protect us,” she said.
If you have information about this crime to contact Crime Stop at 08600 10111 or the Table View police station at 021 521 3338.
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