Joe Slovo residents say taxi drivers in the area are reckless and show little regard for the law. Picture Leon Lestrade. African News Agency/ANA.
A Joe Slovo taxi driver who dodged paying fines has been arrested with 72 outstanding warrants in his name, says the City.
The man, who was not named, was arrested by the Ghost Squad, a specialised unit within the City’s traffic services.
According to mayoral committee member for safety and security JP Smith, the Ghost Squad officers conducted operations near the Joe Slovo taxi rank on Saturday June 8 when they saw a taxi making a U-turn to avoid going past the traffic checkpoint.
“Officers pursued the vehicle, and at some point along Koeberg Road, the driver abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot. He was caught soon after, with the assistance of Law Enforcement officers who joined the pursuit, and was detained at Milnerton SAPS on charges of reckless and negligent driving,” he said.
Investigations revealed that the driver had 72 outstanding warrants to the value of R140 000. The taxi did not have a valid operating licence and was then impounded.
“In almost every instance where warrant dodgers are being arrested, there is some kind of attempt to make a run for it. In recent months, our staff have arrested nearly a dozen individuals who are on the Top 100 list of offenders with outstanding warrants. Just in the past week alone, officers have executed more than 2 000 warrants. If these cautionary tales are not enough to make scofflaws change their ways, then they must simply face the consequences of their actions,” he said.
Last month, two taxi drivers were arrested for allegedly assaulting traffic officers in Milnerton (“Taxi drivers accused of assaulting traffic cops,” Tabletalk, May 22). The two faced several charges, including reckless and negligent driving, assaulting a peace officer, resisting arrest, damage to council property and failing to obey a lawful order.
Joe Slovo community leader John Lekevane said the taxi drivers in the community were generally very reckless.
“It is very difficult to see a driver who obeys the law here. The main road, Freedom Way, is especially bad. Taxis parking on both sides. Sometimes the driver will stop and park right in the middle of the road. They act like they own the roads and the whole place actually. They threaten other motorists and pedestrians if they dare to call them out. I know a lot of us won’t speak out, but I am glad that they are being made to take responsibility for their actions. Imagine the warrants they would find on the other taxis there,” he said.
Another resident, Brenda Xhanti, said: “I hope the traffic officers would do more operations in our community. We want to see them more because when they are here, the taxis behave. They start to behave like normal people, which is what we ask from them all the time. There is no need to be reckless and then want to beat up anyone who disagrees with you.”
Milnerton SAPS and the Joe Slovo Taxi Association did not respond to requests for comment by time of publication.
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