Dhananjaya Verdarajalo Naidoo from Kenwyn is missing.
The search continues for a missing 66-year-old man who was last seen at Newlands Forest.
Avid hiker Dhananjaya Verdarajalo Naidoo, of Kenwyn, went hiking at Newlands Forest on Saturday November 16 but did not return home. His family reported him missing and have since launched search operations in the forest.
Claremont police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Marnus Fourie said Mr Naidoo, who is diabetic, had been expected home by 6pm on Saturday for an appointment and when his family had been unable to reach him they had gone to the forest, where they had found his white Toyota Corolla.
“The family reported him missing to Claremont police. Detective Sergeant Donovan McKenna, of Claremont crime intelligence division, was informed, who immediately proceeded to Newlands Forest to start the investigation. “The missing person was circulated on the SAPS system, and the Pink Ladies were also roped in to assist.”
Lieutenant Colonel Fourie said Wildlife Search and Rescue volunteers, search dogs and a drone had been pulled into the search although the dense forest had prevented the optimal use of the drone.
“Leaflets with Mr Naidoo’s photos were distributed by the Pink Ladies at Newlands Forest,” said Lieutenant Colonel Fourie.
The search was called off on Sunday due to poor light, but continued again on Monday.
“As of now, Mr Naidoo has still not been found, and we urgently request people to be on the lookout for the 66-year-old, who weighs 82kg, and is 1.78m in height. He was last seen wearing blue jeans, a grey cap and a blue, chequered shirt.”
If you have information, call Detective Seargeant McKenna at 074 584 5182 or Lieutenant Colonel Fourie at 079 894 1909.
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