

Voice Reporter|Published


THE community of Nababeep near Springbok in the Northern Cape are searching far and wide for missing teenager David Waterboer.

A Grade 7 learner at Sacred Heart Primary School, the 14-year-old David was reportedly last seen in Concordia, about 21 km north-east of Nababeep.

His mom Lanza Waterboer explains: “David left on Friday to watch sports and I went to work… We don’t know if he got there, or where he's been sleeping.”

With rumours circulating that mense have spotted David at a bushokkie in Concordia early on Saturday morning, while others claim he was seen with a friend on Saturday afternoon, his father Dirk “Zoom” Waterboer doesn’t want to speculate.

He said in a church service on Sunday morning that he was broken, but still believes that David will be found.

Meanwhile, community members gathered before the Nababeep police station on Saturday afternoon, before leaving for Concordia to search for David.

THE SEARCH IS ON: Community gather to look for missing teen. Picture: Supplied

The investigation continued on Sunday, but David was nowhere to be found.

According to Nababeep police, he was reportedly seen at an athletics meeting in Concordia on Friday afternoon and at a bushokkie on Saturday.

Police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Sergio Kock, confirmed that the Nababeep Police have been in collaboration with search teams.

He adds: “The public is once again reminded that there is no waiting period to report a missing person.

“Contact Detective/Sergeant Deory Smit at 082 495 5305 in connection with David’s case Or contact SAPS Crime Stops at 086 001 0111. ”