Parklands College Hyperion Bots.
Image: Supplied
Parklands College Hyperion Bots have qualified to be part of the FIRST (FTC) World Festival in Houston, Texas, in the United States of America, after their record-breaking performance in the national competition where they achieved second place for the Inspire Award in South Africa.
The FTC World Festival is an international robotics competition and Team Hyperion Bots secured their place in the competition by delivering an extraordinary performance last week.
One of the most thrilling moments of the championship came when Hyperion Bots were alliance partners with Team Texpand, the World Champions Alliance from last season, to achieve a record-breaking score of 318 points.
The Parklands College team - Hyperion Bots also did well at regionals earlier this year, setting them through to the South African Championship at Amazon.
The Hyperion Bots team will be competing against top robotics teams from around the world and you can keep up with their journey by following their Instagram posts @hyperionbots.