Gaironesa Adams has a newspaper clipping of a picture taken of her and Morgan by photographer Colin Brown and published in Tabletalk in 2016.
A Milnerton woman is desperate to find her African grey parrot, Morgan, who went missing earlier this year.
Gaironesa Adams has had Morgan for 20 years, and is known by many in her community as the woman who regularly takes her parrot for a “walk” (“Parrot on patrol,” Tabletalk, December 14, 2016).
Ms Adams suffered a stroke in 1998 and lost her husband two years ago, but through it all, Morgan stuck by her side and was her only companion, according to Ms Adams’s carer, Cheryl Stephan, who approached Tabletalk for help, saying that Ms Adams was finding it hard to cope without Morgan.
Because of the stroke, Ms Adams found it difficult to speak to us.
Ms Stephan said Ms Adams was left devastated after Morgan flew off her shoulder while the two of them had been out for a walk at Milnerton Lagoon on Thursday, January 19.
According to Ms Stephan, Morgan was startled by a loud bang. Ms Adams turned to see what caused the noise and when she turned back, Morgan was nowhere to be found.
“She searched and searched, and up till this day is still searching for Morgan. He is all that she has,” said Ms Stephan.
Morgan can count to 10 and sing Happy Birthday. And he always says, “finish Ma”.
Bothasig bird lover Lisa Cooper, who hand raised her African grey, Harry, and many other rescue birds, cautions against approaching missing pet birds or feeding them without knowing their condition.
Instead, she advises putting out some water for the bird and then taking pictures when it comes closer. These images, along with details of the bird’s location, can then be posted on social media.
“A bird can easily be returned to the rightful owner if people report sightings of exotic birds as soon as possible. You will need a location and if you have managed to secure the bird, leave a contact number.”
The best way to search for a bird is on foot and to ask people in the area if they have seen it, she said.
“Watch your wild birds, such as crows, to look out for strange behaviour. Wild birds, especially crows, will mob a pet bird, so you can tell what area your bird has flown to if you see this type of behaviour,” said Ms Cooper.
If you find a missing bird, try to get it to stay with you, so you can reunite it with its owner, she said.
Contact Cheeky Beaks Rescue at or @cheekybeakssa if you find a domestic bird or parrot, said Ms Cooper. The non-profit helps to find the bird’s owners and fosters birds until the owners are found. For more advice, email Ms Cooper at