Man shot dead in Waterloo, KZN in suspected kidnapping incident. Picture: Reaction Unit South Africa.
Cape Town – An unidentified man sustained fatal wounds after being shot several times in Waterloo, KwaZulu-Natal in a suspected kidnapping incident.
According to Reaction Unit South Africa, they received eight calls from residents in the area and from an off-duty police detective requesting assistance after witnessing the incident.
The man is said to have stumbled on to Hippo Road while bleeding profusely from bullet wounds on the left side of his body, where he later died.
Authorities say a girl’s pink sandals were found next to the man’s lifeless body.
“Reaction officers arrived on the scene and found that the man had succumbed to his injuries. It was established that the shooting occurred on Prickly Pear Road and the victim attempted to flee and collapsed on Hippo Road,” the reaction unit said.
“Reaction officers found a female child’s size 12 sandal (picture 3) next to his body. Approximately 20m away, five spent 9mm cartridges were found. Reaction officers are attempting to identify the deceased and confirm if any child was kidnapped during the shooting,” they added.