Teens are getting a taste of what it’s like to be a police officer through a project started by Table View police station.
The Junior Commissioners Project, launched last Friday, will help youth in the precinct learn more about their community and law enforcement while developing skills in critical thinking, public speaking and teamwork, says Table View police spokeswoman Captain Adriana Chandler.
The 15 applicants from high schools in the precinct were asked to write essays and answer questions about their communities. Those submissions were assessed by a panel of judges drawn from the police station.
Bloubergrant High School Grade 10 Eubein Dendengure was selected as junior station commander for the precinct and Lwandile Zitha, a Grade 9 from the same school, was selected as a junior visible policing commander. Bloubergrant High Grade 9 Zoe Charles is the junior detective commander and Sundridge High School Grade 8 Lilitha Mtuzula is a junior support head.
Captain Chandler said the junior commissioners would run crime-awareness projects at schools and participate in SAPS events at station and provincial level.
“They are appointed for a two-year period,” she said.
Station commander Colonel Junaid Alcock congratulated the pupils and said he looked forward to working with them.