D van Dalsen, Edgemead
Chris has every right to his opinion, but I believe, absolutely, that we have the right to hold those in public office accountable for their failures, especially for one involving water (Tabletalk SMS, February 7).
We, the ordinary people, are going to suffer for many years , mostly in our pockets . But we get told constantly that the people of Cape Town are water guzzlers. However, accurate figures aren’t forthcoming, even their water map is outdated.
Do they have a clue how many people are using water let alone how many people are living in each dwelling ?
Chris, perhaps you can tell me how many cities in the world (and we are world class) have required their citizens to live on so little water for so long?
And, very importantly, I believe the vast majority are actually achieving it.
Droughts are the norm in South Africa. Gambling on them ending is irresponsible, especially as we are surrounded by sea and are sitting on water.
Water pours underneath the city from our beloved mountain and recycling water is the norm in most cities.
All these options are there, but, no, we build a soccer stadium for billions (ironically during a drought) but are hesitant to take timely action because it’s too expensive to provide water security for our citizens.
Let me tell you, all those interventions they are battling to rush through now, as well as the Day Zero plans and the loss of revenue, are going to cost much more in the long run than if they had accepted one of those earlier tenders.
We would not have had Day Zero hanging over us and we would have water security during future droughts.
Sorry, Chris, * disagree with you. I still blame the City, they failed us.
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