Pristine mountain beauty.
On Saturday November 27, we're all #Cycling4Healing!
Here's my story:
On February 27, 2021, at around 5pm, my phone rang.
It was a family member, looking for my younger brother, who hadn't arrived to watch a rugby match at a family gathering, where he was expected.
I said I'd try to call my younger brother too.
At 5.31pm, a WhatsApp message appeared on my phone, in a WhatsApp group I'm on, as a journalist, named "WSAR - Wilderness Search & Rescue".
In the message was a picture of a rescue helicopter, lifting a body in a body-bag off a mountain.
The message read: "Around 09h00 this morning WSAR was informed that a person had apparently slipped and taken a fall close to Kloof Ridge on Table Mountain.
"Two of our members immediately made their way in that direction ...“
And, "the emergency helicopter was also activated, and inserted a pragmatic where the person had fallen.
"He soon confirmed that the 48-year-old local trail runner had not survived the fall of about 60 metres.
"The helicopter was used to hoist the body out ..."
I stared at the photograph of the bodybag, beneath the chopper - knowing in that split-second: the dead trail runner was my brother.
Nine months is the time it takes for a human being to form. From the first moment of life, until birth.
On Saturday November 27, it will be nine months since my little brother fell from the sky.
Saturday February 27 to Saturday November 27 - nine months to the day.
So, on Saturday, I will be #Cycling4Healing. For my mother, my siblings, my wife, my children, my uncles, for so many, who shared our love of my brother Kim Williams.
But I'll not be alone.
On Saturday, we'll be #Cycling4Healing for so many - who all need healing too. In so many different ways.
We're riding the Old Mutual Wealth Double Century - over 202km, more than 200 teams of 10 riders each. Our team will be #Cycling4Healing.
In the Cape Winelands, MTB riders will tackle the Origin of Trails. Friends will be fiercely #Cycling4Healing, too.
In Cape Town, riders will be #Cycling4Healing on the most beautiful peninsula on earth, in solidarity:
For someone in need of our care, our strength, our courage, our belief and our love.
Wherever you are on Saturday November 27, please join us, #Cycling4Healing.
It's so simple:
STEP 1: On Saturday November 27, go ride your bicycle. Any bike, anywhere, any distance!
STEP 2: Post a message online, declaring you're #Cycling4Healing.
STEP 3: Search "Cycling4Healing" on Facebook and Instagram. And spread the love.
STEP 4: And send a public or private message to someone who is healing.
Tell her, or him:
I'm #Cycling4Healing for YOU.
I'm #Cycling4Healing for YOU ...
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