Vaughn Luppnow, Cape Farms
I too have had a scary experience at Milnerton Mediclinic. It was on Thursday September 2 this year (“Mediclinic neglected my ailing mother,” Tabletalk, October 20).
I too have emails of apology. I requested that everything be reduced to writing to prevent a “he said, she said” situation.
On the morning of September 2, I was admitted for surgery to the urethra and lower bladder. The surgery went well and that is when the nightmare started. I was left lying in bed as I had returned from surgery, bladder irrigation in place, until my urologist removed my catheter the next morning.
At no stage did anyone offer to help me get dressed, remake my bed etc - no basic nursing care was carried out, hence no pressure care, no catheter care at all The drainage bag was emptied, I will grant them that.
The remote to adjust the bed had to be pulled closer using a rope, and at about 5am the next morning I dug an oropharyngeal airway medical device out of my bed. I can only hope it was mine from the theatre. Had my bed been pulled straight at any stage, this would have been discovered.
Catering sucked as well. I am diabetic and I ordered grilled fish but was brought a pasta-and-cheese dish loaded with carbohydrates and was constantly given packets of sugar with my coffee.
It would appear that nothing had changed, despite promises made. I too have letters promising the matter would be corrected and staff training carried out.
On Friday October 15, I sent Milnerton Mediclinic an email saying I would take no further action. However, I consider this a public-service announcement.
Belinda de Freitas, please contact the Office of Health Standards Compliance on and send them a detailed complaint.
Dr Gerrit De Villiers, chief clinical officer of Mediclinic Southern Africa responds:
Mediclinic Southern Africa is aware of the concerns raised by Mr Luppnow, and an investigation was carried out by the hospital on all matters relating to the feedback we received from him.
The nursing manager responded directly to Mr Luppnow, explaining what measures had been put in place to avoid a repetition of any of the concerns raised.
Patient safety and their care journey remain core focus areas for our hospitals, and we are committed to constantly improving the care journey for each of our patients.
Once again, we extend our apologies to Mr Luppnow for not meeting his expectations. Our management team remain open to meeting with him to discuss any improvements he believes would add value to our patient journey.