Baz Moolman, Table View
What are we celebrating on Women's Day?
Doubtlessly, we are recognising women who are achievers , those who dedicate their lives to assisting the public in various categories, such as doctors, nurses, and medical staff, as well as those in other fields, from teaching to business.
My contribution to identifying women to honour on Women's Day is to focus attention on a category that I think most women can identify with, and that is the working/ career mother. The day ought to be for them.
They are always there for their children and husbands , running the home as well as running the office, making a fine art of juggling their time to please their families and their bosses.
And, since they always place personal advancement second to the interests of the family, when they do achieve success, it is a wondrous moment.
Husbands and children have every reason to marvel at their courageous spirit in achieving what they do, setting an exemplary standard of persistence.
I hope such women do receive recognition from their loved ones.
To these women, I say, carry on setting the tone, and, if you don't know by now, men in general do not know how to express their gratitude or emotions towards their spouses , girlfriends or female colleagues.
But, let's face it, we men would be lost without their loyalty.
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