Bothasig under-10, champions of the BacktoBasics in their division.
As part of their 50th anniversary, Bothasig AFC hosted their second Back2Basics mini tournament at their home field a week ago.
The juniors tournament hosted 16 teams of under-7s to under-9s.
The BacktoBasics tournament took a break due to the Covid-19 pandemic after hosting their first tournament back in 2019.
Bothasig Club Secretary and event organiser Adele Saldanha said this year they asked their participating clubs to take along items that would be donated to the needy.
"We managed to collect quite a bit of good clothing and foods which we will be sorting and doing a donation to a chosen charity on July 18 (Nelson Mandela Day). If anyone would like to add to this initiative they may contact Saldanha on 084 523 2370.