The robbers put their knives to the man’s chest and demanded his phone Picture:
A 62-year-old Verulam resident was attacked by two men with okapi knives in the area's CBD this morning, hours before he could board the MSC cruise ship with his family.
The man said he had gone out earlier today to buy a lock for his luggage on George Sewpersad Street and just as he got into his driver's seat, the men pounced on him.
"I was speaking to my wife on my cell and was in the process of closing the door when they arrived out of nowhere, put their knives to my chest and said 'phone'. Soon thereafter, one of them bit my hand in an attempt to snatch the phone but I did not let go of it. During a tussle for the cell, I kept hitting the car's hooter, and while this commotion was happening, they demanded my wallet.
"I feared that if I gave them my cell, they would pull me out of the car and take other belongings. That is why I fought back. They eventually pulled the phone away and began to run. I started my car and gave chase but they eventually disappeared."
While there was slight bleeding, he said he did not seek medical help.
The resident said crime in Verulam was "terrible".
"I told my wife not to shop in Verulam but rather go to Cornubia or La Lucia. Crime is on the rise and innocent people are being attacked."
Prem Balram of Reaction Unit South Africa (Rusa) said the victim arrived at their offices just after 9.30am.
"He informed reaction officers that he had just entered his grey Toyota Starlet when two males opened his door. They produced knives and demanded his valuables. The victim resisted, but was bitten by one of the robbers. They then grabbed his Samsung A23 cellphone before they fled on foot. The elderly male sustained minor injuries."
The resident and his family are preparing for the cruise line to leave the port later today for the Portuguese Island.
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