They carried their first kavady on Monday at Shree Emperumal Hindu Temple in Mount Edgecombe. Twins Thaiurin, left, and Shaiurin Rangasami carry kavadies. Picture Rajesh Jantilal/AFP
Many Hindus are currently celebrating Thai Poosam Kavady, and to devotees, kavady is more than a religious experience. It is a festival that Hindus observe out of enjoyment.
Many children begin their kavady journeys at a young age, like twins, Thaiurin and Shaiurin Rangasami. They carried their first kavady on Monday at Shree Emperumal Hindu Temple in Mount Edgecombe.
Merlin Rangasami, their dad, said their family had been carrying kavady for many years.
“I have been carrying kavady for 38 years, having started as a child just like my boys. My older sons, Trushen (21) and Sinorin (18), have been carrying kavady for 10 years.
"When we were discussing kavady last year, my twins said they wanted to carry as well. We asked if they were sure because it was not easy but they assured us they were.
“They were overjoyed to decorate their kavadies and do all their prayers. When the day arrived for the festival, they were especially excited to finally carry them. Thaiurin even pinned his forehead with a Vel. We were so delighted. He said he didn’t feel any pain."
He added: “We were proud of the boys. They carried their own kavadies and made it back to the temple. However, there was a heavy storm and they got soaked, so we took them home shortly after.”
The family, from Mount Edgecombe, normally carry kavady together but opted out this year.
“My wife, Galaisha, and I get trance. We carry kavady every year but since all four of our sons wanted to carry this year, we decided not to carry to focus solely on them as it was also the twins' first year.
“We love kavady. It is more than taking vows. It's a festival for us, where we celebrate like how we would Diwali. We look forward to it every year and every year, we enjoy ourselves,” said Rangasami
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