Two helicopters and a spotter plane were dispatched early this morning to contain the Newlands Ravine fire which was spreading towards Devils Peak.
Image: Supplied.
Early this morning firefighters tried tirelessly to contain the Newlands Ravine fire that was spreading to Devil's Peak.
The fire had been raging since Monday morning with fire crews working overnight to battle the blaze.
"The fire is occurring in difficult conditions on steep slopes and rugged terrain," said SANParks spokesperson, JP Louw.
"This morning firefighting crews walked into the fire line at first light to relieve those who fought the fire throughout the night. Two helicopters and a spotter plane were dispatched at 06h40 to contain the spread of the right flank of the fire which was spreading towards Devils Peak," he said.
A growing concern however was the wind predictions which may hamper efforts.
"Of particular concern at this stage is the wind prediction for the afternoon, which could significantly impact the Devil’s Peak section of the fire. The current priority is focused on mop-up operations and containing any potential spread in this area," Louw said.
He explained a team of 83 firefighters were dispatched to try and contain the Newlands Ravine fire with 20 additional firefighters sent to fires in Signal Hill and Ocean View yesterday evening. This effort is done in conjunction with the City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue Services and Provincial Disaster Management.
"Approximately 60 hectares of veld have thus far burned in the Newlands Ravine and Devils Peak area. Overnight, multiple flare-ups occurred in inaccessible areas, requiring crews to remain on scene at both the base and head of the fire for continued monitoring and suppression efforts where accessible," Louw said.
Trails in the Newlands, Devils Peak and Maclears Beacon areas were closed yesterday due to the fire and remain closed until further notice for safety reasons. Rock falls have occurred due to the fire and boardwalks have burnt, making the trails unsafe for hikers SANParks said in a statement.
Louw added that a significant concern was the continued presence of hikers in areas that have been closed off due to fire damage. "Despite repeated warnings, individuals were encountered along the burnt trails this morning. We urge the public to strictly adhere to all trail closures for their safety and to allow firefighting teams to complete their operations unhindered," Louw said.
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